Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Review of Disrupting Class

I just finished my Goodreads review of Disrupting Class! You can read my full review here.

In short, I agree that the authors make some good arguments for how technology and disruptive innovation can improve our schools. I believe there is a lot of room for improvement. However, many of their specific suggestions are problematic. An example that I did not list in my review is the authors' suggestion that, as we incorporate technology into our education system, teachers' roles will shift into more of a tutoring role and we will be able to assign more students per teacher. To me, this idea seems to be relying on technology to do the majority of the educating, while teachers play a supporting role. I believe that the relationship should be more balanced, with teachers still playing a significant role in teaching. We should definitely use technology as a tool. However, I do not believe it should replace teachers as the primary method of educating students.

If you are interested in learning more, I would recommend this book. While I do not agree with everything the authors propose, I believe that Disrupting Class is still worth reading in that it points out some flaws in our current system and suggests some methods to for our education systems to improve. This is a good book to get you thinking about relevant issues in education.

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