Thursday, October 17, 2013

Digital Culture and Positivity

Lately, I've been thinking about some of the ways I have been directly benefited by digital culture. Specifically, I'm interested in focusing on the positive things the internet can be used for.

For example, I generally hate watching the news because it seems like the emphasis is always on the negative. However, a few months ago, I found this website, which focuses on only positive news. I have also noticed that a lot of what my friends post on Facebook are funny or uplifting articles, websites, or videos. I think many people want to read/view positive, uplifting things. The internet makes it very easy to find those types of stories and then also share them with others.

My family recently connected with some distant relatives who we never knew existed. My mom started a Facebook group, random cousins started joining. It has been fun to get to know these new family members, and social media has made it very easy for us all to get to know one another.

Earlier this month, I successfully did family history for the first time. I got on Family Search and was able to find a handful of ancestors who needed their temple work done. It was a great feeling to realize that I can contribute to doing my family history-- and there are tools readily available to help me do so.

Though none of these experiences are anything ground-breaking. However, I have found myself focused lately on the economic or historical side of digital culture, and I wanted to take a step back and think about how much of a blessing digital culture can be.


  1. The good thing about the internet is that we have the power to choose what media to consume.

  2. My family also keeps in contact via Facebook group. We're spread out all over the country - my parents are in Ohio still, my brother has moved to Pennsylvania, my older sister is in Oregon, and I'm out here in Utah. I would have no idea what my family was doing if not for the internet. I even made a video tour of my new apartment with my husband to show my family so we don't seem so far away :)

    I'm glad you've found sources of good news! I agree - there's a greater variety of news on the internet vs. the tv.
