Sunday, October 6, 2013

General Conference Reflection

Here are the Conference Notes  Dr. Burton talked about in class. It is pretty neat to view others' interpretations of the talks and links to all the references! My husband and I looked at these a few times this weekend and I appreciate the valuable resource it will be for me in the future. I've also shared it with my family, which is a facet of Digital Culture I personally love-the ease in sharing!

These screenshots capture different Twitter trends at very times. My husband was following #ldsconf and found it refreshing at 18 tweets per five or so seconds.

Speaking of sharing, this is the first General Conference I've used social media to invite others to listen to the words of God. I found it exciting to see who responded and if it could potentially lead to missionary work. I had several non-member friends like my Facebook statuses and Instagram posts. Only one comment though, and not of interest to learn more.

Regardless, it was easy for me to share my beliefs via quotes, links and pictures to my 600 or so friends/followers. One of my Facebook statuses was even "shared" by another friend which means that it had an even greater outreach. Hashtags also enabled me to connect with strangers, as we bonded over "#conferencewaffles". 

All in all, I was one hashtag in millions, but I think I made a presence in my sphere of influence. It is overwhelming to think of how many ways we can extend our thoughts to others, but I encourage everyone to share something with your friends this week-religious or not!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Ashley! I'm so glad you made efforts to use social media in connection with General Conference, and that you tried to extend the reach of the event by way of your own social graph.
